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March 19th is La Festa del Papà (Father’s Day) in Italia.  In North America, Father’s Day is the 3rd Sunday in June, but in Italia it is always on March 19th.  I think the reason why is kind of adorable.  March 19th is la Festa di San Giuseppe (the feast day of St. Joseph) who was, of course, Jesus’ Papà!  In honour of La Festa del Papà, I’m sharing my very favourite photo of me and my Papà.  Cute-issimo, no?

Con il mio Papà, Orsara di Puglia

Con il mio Papà, Orsara di Puglia

Auguri a tutti i Papà del mondo e Buon Onomastico a tutti i Giuseppe, Giuseppina, Peppe, Pina e Giusy!